• July 10, 2024

The Beauty of Multigenerational Living

The Beauty of Multigenerational Living

1024 768 Gordon T Jacob | Remodeling South Puget Sound

As the housing shortage progresses, more and more of our population has begun to consider what it might look like to share properties with their loved ones. We have helped many clients build DADU’s (small detached homes) on their property so that their loved ones can live close by, at an affordable price.

We want to give you a glimpse of what multigenerational living looks like for our family in this season of life. Keep reading below to hear what a blessing it has been for us.

Two years ago, we got the opportunity to build a multigenerational family property and a great treasure of our life is being experienced as we have the joy of living next door to our oldest son, daughter-in-love and their two children. Last night, after dinner, I walked out to water the gardens and my grandson called to me from his deck and said, “Hi, Mimi, I come out with you?”… I explain he has to ask mommy and daddy. So, he does and he gets a 15 minute playtime before bed. He helped me water the plants and then we played t-ball in the yard. He ran and laughed the whole time. Earlier in the day, Chris (AKA “Grandpops”), mowed the lawn and our grandson came over to push the thatcher as his own mower and ran alongside for 45 minutes. Our granddaughter comes out and talks in her own little sweet baby talk to us and runs around in her chiffon dress and tries to hit the t-ball too.

When our kids need help with the littles, we are always willing when we are home and they help us too when we need anything. We’ve all picked up extra groceries when needed or shared the giant Costco portions. I garden food in both areas and even that hobby gets shared when they come out and visit our garden with me.

We are incredibly grateful to share land with our adult kids and grandkids. It makes every day better.

If this story hits home with you, and you desire something similar, reach out to see how we can help you accomplish this goal. It will be one of the best things you ever choose to do!